REVIEW: Alan Weiss — Your Legacy is Now (BOOK)
Alan Weiss, in his new book, Your Legacy is Now, inspires his readers to consider their life’s legacy as something actionable and daily, happening within each interaction in a day. The book summarizes Alan’s perspectives on how a person’s unique meaning in life drives legacy creation and how they can define and live that meaning. Weiss cautions the reader that the book of life turns a page daily and no page should be left blank. There are too many opportunities to enjoy life, to grow and learn, and contribute to others.
Defining one’s life meaning is central to Alan’s perspective on legacy, so this idea is discussed early in the book. Weiss explains that our meaning is based on our own unique values, beliefs, and vision. It not defined by any other person. It is not our job description, but it can be our calling. It cannot be found but can only be created. It is also not created just once, but it molds to our changes and growth in life. It is who we are and who we grow to become. It is our evolving contribution that aligns with our personal satisfaction.
Weiss identifies connections as another important building block of a living legacy. As humans we need to connect. Weiss expands on this topic to include the importance of vulnerability, reciprocity, and honesty in relationships. Because connection is so important to life meaning, he warns that how you interact in your relationships will ultimately drive your satisfaction and impact your legacy.
Weiss also encourages connecting with people that are different from you so that you expand your learning, and your life meaning evolves through awareness. He warns that isolating your connections to those that think just like you can limit your growth, and your legacy.
Contribution is also a big part of legacy and Weiss spends the large part of one chapter downplaying the relevance of media sensationalism of events and people as contributions. Too many individuals already believe that legacy belongs to saints, world leaders, star athletes and movie stars. Weiss looks through the opposite end of the lens and sees the valuable contribution most people play in the support, involvement and help of others. We will not know our legacy until our influence has unfolded in others and we see the role those people play in the world. A person’s choice to give their time to help others is one of the most important contributions they can make.
Another important contribution is the genuine effort to create happiness in another person’s life. We cannot give away happiness without also consuming it ourselves, and this should be a daily goal, says Weiss.
While this is a quick review of some broad concepts covered in the book, Weiss shares many more insights and ideas that can help readers learn and reshape their daily routines to create a living legacy. The book is filled with helpful diagrams, short case studies and suggested action lists to put Weiss’s ideas and suggestions to work.
Weiss also discusses the importance of prioritizing your time to align with your meaning. Because times slips away easily, it needs to be proactively given to the areas in your life that are the most important to maintain a fulfilling life and promote a living legacy.
Colin Jordan