REVIEW: Bryant Lusk — Heart Disease & Hypertension (BOOK)
Bryant Lusk’s new book is titled Heart Disease & Hypertension: Vitamin Therapy for a Healthy Heart. Seems simple. But it isn’t. Not just because of Mr. Lusk’s elaborate study of what constitutes, makes up, alters, and actively affects titular Heart Disease and Hypertension, but because of the fact the concepts he states aren’t in and of themselves new. While Mr. Lusk is a swell communicator, these kinds of statistics have existed for decades.
The fact the American public by a wide margin, external factors acknowledged, hasn’t seemed able to wake up to the realities of these problems remains an urgent and even devastating problem. Mr. Lusk never resorts to writing these facts with a sense of urgency himself, but the fact he’s so precise and wide-ranging drives everything home in a way that’s atypical for a healthy lifestyle or dieting book focusing on medical issues. He has a kind of chilly remove that really works.
There’s never a sense he’s trying to convince you — the reader — of his findings, but rather simply enlightens you of something preexistent. Something urgent, in an everyday sort of sense. It’s when Lusk shifts into lecture mode about what to do about this every day urgency that the motivational aspects of the read really begin to click. He’s holistic, but never at the expense of current, up to date medical information.
This is particularly evident in how he introduces the concept of vitamin therapy into the literary mix, coupled with how to go about instituting such a process responsibly. “My first suggestion regarding supplements is to stop purchasing them from the grocery or drugstores with one or two exceptions. When considering your health and longevity, you are encouraged to invest in vitamin products seldom found in your local grocery store. Multivitamins are a prime example,” Lusk writes. Interesting.
He continues, “Instead, purchase products from an actual vitamin store or directly from the manufacturer’s website. This is where you will find vitamins and minerals with a significantly higher level of quality. I have provided several manufacturers and product options for you to choose from throughout the book…Finally, formulations matter! For instance, supplemental magnesium oxide is barely absorbed into your system. In contrast, magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate have far superior absorption rates, also referred to as a high bioavailability rate. The following chapters will clearly identify food sources and vitamin formulations with higher rates of bioavailability.” Without going through the specificity of Heart Disease & Hypertension: Vitamin Therapy for a Healthy Heart’s pages, references to these terms may seem like Greek.
The relevancy of highlighting them in this particular context, however, is to showcase the precision and expertise Lusk effortlessly dishes out to his intended audience. There’s never a sense of things being rambling or tangential, everything is highly focused, proficient, and succinct. It’s a welcome relief from other books that Heart Disease & Hypertension could have fit into. Here, there’s just straight truths — backed by certain, statistical facts.
Colin Jordan