REVIEW: Denny Bowen — Bound For Glory (SINGLE)
Denny Bowen is the inspiring singer/songwriter behind the new song “Bound For Glory”. He fits like a glove and so does the toe-tapping music bed driving this ditty. Drawing from a wide range of influences, Bowen’s San Antonio roots give this song a splendid blend of Texas country and southern soul. Bowen is a fighter, and the lyrics mirror his life in a way that feels like he’s always been overlooked or counted out. He can’t say that anymore. “Bound For Glory” is a keeper.
Stirring and bubbling underneath his words is a fine mix of guitars, drums, a steady bass and smooth strings. As a listener, I felt like the lyrics flowed like they could be a poem or prose. I was surprised at the way this song has a zest to it, a spark that is like a ray of light. My favorite lines were the light shined bright, once it took…place my finger in that book…read those words and finally set me free. The imagery he creates with the ‘eureka’ moment of reading the bible is endearing. I know the religious component is very important in this song, but there is so much more to the tune. It’s a feeling yes, and it’s a vibe that Bowen creates that feels so full of splendor. He just makes the listener feel happy and settled.
I think he goes out of his way to tell a story of being in the darkness for much of his life. In this respect, this song has so much to bring to the table. I loved how it’s positive and while the lyrics might suggest negativity, he always spins the situation into a positive. He accentuates the positive. I think the timing of this song couldn’t be better — we’re all looking for something to celebrate. We’re yearning for someone to cheer for. “Bound For Glory” has religious tones, but it’s a song for anyone and everyone. I can imagine this song being played on country radio and possibly contemporary stations across the country. This might sound weird, but as much as I loved the words — and I do — I can even see this song being played at square dances. I’m serious! It just has this natural rhythm happening that makes me feel like you’re swaying across the dance floor, moving just swiftly enough to work up a sweat. It puts you in a great mood!
Touched my soul and turned my life around, Bowen sings. These words stayed with me. If you take the religious connotation out of it, this song really could be about anyone in your life that makes you feel happy and complete. We need people like that in our life, and we need songs like “Bound For Glory” to remind us of the good that is all around us. It’s happening and it’s there, we just must keep on the watch for it, or in this case, be on the listen for something special. “Bound For Glory” is exceptional.
Colin Jordan