REVIEW: Elizabeth Troylynn — His Mosaic Masterpiece (BOOK)

“There are some of us who believe in a higher power and then there are some who disbelieve in the existence of God or gods,” writes Elizabeth Troylynn, regarding the more literal and theological components making up her book His Mosaic Masterpiece. “One of my family members is an atheist and that’s OK with me; I still love them. It’s not for me to judge those beliefs. For me, however, I will follow God.
One day God is going to take me home and when I get there, I believe that I will finally understand why my one life had so many challenges. I had to go through the pain to help that one person, or maybe many, so I could feel exactly what they are feeling.” This faith, which Troylynn swears by, is hard-earned from years of struggling through adoptive issues, and through foster care. Troylynn writes with the blunt matter-of-factness of someone who has truly felt their back being against a wall, to use a hackneyed phrase.
She never comes across as someone who enhances the genuine victim stance she often found herself in, navigating deeply dysfunctional parents, and extremely trying circumstances mandating her growing up early. “I can relate to someone who has experienced the abandonment of a parent, or physical or mental abuse, or being on their own at an early age,” Troylynn writes. “The feeling of not being wanted at the beginning of your life sets the stage for so much rejection to come. My readers, we all go through our own challenges.”
On this note, she adds: “The only way I made it this far was to always push myself, be resilient, and to have perseverance. I never quit. No, it was not easy, but you only have one life and it’s up to you to make it the best one possible! If I did it, so can you! You are all amazing! My happiness has always been to help people in need around me. There are people who are going through something worse than what I went through. Just a smile could mean the world to someone going through a hard time.”
This mixture of altruism and liberal application of Christian belief makes His Mosaic Masterpiece steer from preachy for the uninitiated into something inviting people closer. You don’t have to believe even in the literal Christian ideological set pieces to still find meaning in the messaging itself. Troylynn never deviates from keeping a certain amount of appropriate, presentational distance from material that is obviously so personal to her. “…the lesson learned after my abusive relationship is to keep kind people close to me.
My passion is to help children going through adoption and women going through abuse,” Troylynn states. “Now I can share my story, having lived through those same challenges. I went to night school to get my paralegal certificate in order to help them… Today, I work for a company that is helping patients. I also sponsor a child and volunteer at shelters. I always work hard doing my best each day, being a team player, smiling, and being positive.”
Colin Jordan