REVIEW: John Feloni — The Covenant Secret (BOOK)

Colin Jordan
3 min readJun 7, 2022


“Bill always operated alone. It was the only way he knew, and it worried Laura. She saw this solitary tendency of Bill’s as a problem for a CEO in a startup company and felt that at some point it would become a serious liability.

She was right. And that point came quickly, just as Laura feared. Bill’s aloof nature was now threatening the very viability of their company.” No, you’re not reading a passage from a Carl Hiaasen book. It’s part of a business and leadership advice read by John Feloni, evocatively titled The Covenant Secret: The 7 Master Keys to Wisdom and Wealth. With The Covenant Secret, Feloni is able to make a series of extensive points and implement leadership lessons without being preachy. Why, one might ask? Because of a simple, but brilliant maneuver. Feloni makes everything fit within the confines of a genuinely affecting, emotionally resonant storyline.


There’s no denying the actual plot itself is second to the points Feloni is trying to make. But taking the read on these terms makes you actually feel entertained while Feloni provides you with, step-by-step, an extensive roadmap to avoiding the pitfalls coming in tow with the corporate jungle. This is reflected in passages like the following. “Over the years, Tom had dealt with many people like Bill: strong-willed entrepreneurs with grand visions, in- tense focus, genius, and often, unfortunately, insensitivity toward others. Usually they emanated a self-assurance bordering on arrogance and were quick to alienate anyone who didn’t see things their way. Bill certainly fit the profile,” he writes. “…He loved their intellects and passions, and he loved the wondrous things they accomplished.

When they crossed his path, he would do anything in his power to help them along. He also knew that in dealing with them you don’t sugar-coat anything…He knew that if you didn’t get right to the point, they would chew you up and spit you out. He often thought of these budding geniuses as dragons. Without warning, they breathe a wrathful flame that torches everything and everyone around them, and then, just as quickly, abandon their scorn, wondering how the fire started and why everyone is burnt.”


It’s these kind of keen insights, embedded in a present-tense, fast-paced storyline that helps the reader easily attain the titular ‘seven keys’ to achieving hard-earned wisdom, and an easing of the pain with hard-earned wealth. “This book is to be used, shared, lived. If you are not happy with it, I will personally return the money you paid for the book. That’s my Covenant with you,” Feloni christens at the end. “And I want to hear from you. Tell me the stories of your successes and failures regarding your work toward becoming a Relationship Professional.” He literally reveals his contact information below that! How can you not trust a guy who hits all the aforementioned notes, then leaves room for his contact information? I certainly can.

Colin Jordan



Colin Jordan

Graduate: McNeese State University, Avid Beekeeper, Deep Sea Diver & Fisherman, Horrible Golfer