REVIEW: Psycho Acoustic Technology by Phi Tribe
Phi Tribe music is not your customary band or musical project. The project uses Psycho Acoustic Technology working at a variety of frequencies to target and improve a listener’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being. It founded its YouTube channel, the sole means of delivering its music to the masses, in January 2022 and has accumulated a stagger 10 million plus views since then. This mathematically based music breaks with traditional form and structure yet never sounds alien or obscure. It might be easy for some to dismiss this as a fad or gimmick, but listeners who immerse themselves in Phi Tribe music’s possibilities will beg to differ. The near rapturous reception the channel has received since its founding testifies to its power and effectiveness.
The channel is prolific. Phi Tribe is obviously the product of educated and forward-thinking human beings who, likewise, possess immense artistry. The project’s videos are the result of careful study and extensive reading about the connection between sound and its therapeutic value. The therapeutic aims of Phi Tribe’s music are multi-layered — they gear their musical and visual offerings to aid in mental, physical, and emotional healing. Utilizing multiple frequencies proven to provide such value is illustrative of their wide-ranging approach.
The project’s most recent video, as of this writing, is a notable example of their work. “Soak in Unconditional Love” plays at a frequency of 432Hz and is the second volume in Phi Tribe’s PH Balanced Soaking Series. They use synths and other pre-programmed sounds to invoke a comforting and enveloping sonic experience intended to enhance the listener’s self-reflection, sleep, and even spiritual inclinations. It is a lengthy video, eight hours long, and aspires to be a fully immersive experience that transports listeners from the stress and struggle of their everyday lives.
The videos demand listeners meet them halfway, however. Phi Tribe isn’t peddling some sort of magical cure-all for those in need, If you are wanting to get the full value of their work, listeners must approach these videos with an earnest and open mind rather than clinging to skepticism or even outright disbelief. Also, these videos may seem formless to novice listeners. They are not. The aforementioned video and others reveal themselves, after careful listening, to be thoughtful and subtly nuanced pieces.
Phi Tribe and the creative individuals behind the channel deserve kudos for branching out into areas that popular music does not cover. The work they have carried out since the channel’s founding at the beginning of 2022 has set them on a self-sustaining course with limitless possibilities. They are performing a needed service for many, without question, and it is also beyond doubt that they are coming away from this ongoing experience deeply satisfied with their self-expression. This is musical as well as medicinal. Phi Tribe asks nothing of listeners except to approach their work with not just an open mind, but an open heart as well. It is profoundly human work that they do and deserving of our admiration and profound respect.
Colin Jordan