REVIEW: Tony Saldanha and Filippo Passerini — Dynamic Process Transformation
Tony Saldanha and Filippo Passerini’s new book is essentially an encapsulation, articulation, and argumentation for their christened concept of the ‘Dynamic Process Transformation’ model. There’s this sense Saldanha and Passerini are completely at ease and confident in their concept, something unusual even for bonafide experts in a given field. As a result, there’s never a rupture in the narrative’s pacing, or a sense of narrative slackness or a lack of presentational cohesion.
Saldanha and Passerini seamlessly take the reader for point A to point B, with cool, assured, and concise prose that can spark imaginativeness in both the left brain and right brain fields. They actually make the process feel fun, and the reader in the process feel empowered. Often reads of this nature, specifically Business and Leadership Advice, for better or worse have the intonations of cautionary tales. The writers often highlight all of the hypothetical pitfalls involved, making the reader feel like they could be under severe pressure.
This can prove distracting to absorbing the already dense, and sometimes complex information. Saldanha and Passerini never spare the reader from critical information for the sake of faux, communicational clarity. Rather, they’re able to just make everything unfurl naturally, paving the way and doing so bump-free and with a relaxed, matter-of-fact house style. “All organizations constantly sense and respond to changing needs; some are simply better at it than others,” Saldanha and Passerini write.
…There is a way to create enduring competitive advantage by revolutionizing business operations. And it involves solving the challenge of creating unbeatable, constantly evolving business processes. Some of you may challenge that assertion right away. Isn’t a winning product much more important?… That is fair, and we’d like to be clear up-front that this isn’t a case of either/or. Winning organizations evolve both products and business operations. Unfortunately, innovating on products tends to be sexier than transforming business operations. The former gets a disproportionate share of attention. We need to correct that — it is time to give transformational business operations their due.”
They add, “The issue with the business processes of every company — in operations of product development, production, manufacturing, sales, finance, information technology, human resources, and so on — is that they quickly become obsolete due to ongoing changes in the marketplace, technology, or capabilities. These business processes grow more com- plex, rigid, and siloed over time… So, if dynamic business processes are required, then how do you achieve them? To foster lasting evolution in internal operations, you need a mechanism to prevent business processes from becoming obsolete in the first place. You need a dynamic, living model for constant process evolution and optimization.
The Dynamic Process Transformation model achieves that. It addresses the issue because it gets to the root causes of the recur- ring obsolescence of business processes… These three root causes of obsolescence are important to note, because we will shortly base our three drivers of dynamic processes on them… Whether it (is) a neighborhood shop or Amazon or Zoom videoconferencing, some businesses were clearly better positioned to turn adversity into opportunity. A major common thread across all these was the readiness of their internal operations to meet new customer realities.”
Colin Jordan